Madeleine Hynes

Strand 4: Grassroots, real-world application, and innovation

Grassroots, real world application, and innovation How does mindfulness fit into real life? Our changing world needs new, creative, and context-specific ways to offer mindfulness. In this strand, we’ll share the joys and challenges of developing and teaching mindfulness-based programmes in everyday settings. We’ll learn from innovators working across a range of different environments and

Strand 4: Grassroots, real-world application, and innovation Read More »

Strand 3: Social, cultural, and systemic approaches

Social, cultural, and systemic approaches How do different perspectives shape mindfulness? In this strand, we’ll look at mindfulness-based approaches in light of today’s big challenges, like social inequality, racial injustice, and the ecological crisis, and how these affect individuals and groups. We’ll explore the potential for mindfulness to help us navigate these challenges and what

Strand 3: Social, cultural, and systemic approaches Read More »

Strand 2: Contemplative, philosophical, and spiritual

Contemplative, philosophical, and spiritual approaches How do we encounter mindfulness? For many, practicing mindfulness leads to profoundly meaningful experiences that are hard to put into words and challenging to measure. These experiences remain largely unexplored scientifically. Mindfulness-based approaches have a vital role in supporting mental and physical health and they have the potential to open

Strand 2: Contemplative, philosophical, and spiritual Read More »

Strand 1: Scientific research, theory, and pedagogy

Scientific Research, Theory and Pedagogy How do we examine mindfulness? In this strand, we’ll take a big-picture look at where the mindfulness field stands in the worlds of science, research, and theory. We’ll consider the strengths and vulnerabilities of what we know about mindfulness-based approaches. There will be opportunities to hear from experienced researchers, reflect

Strand 1: Scientific research, theory, and pedagogy Read More »

Strand 5: Political, environmental, and global initiatives

political, environmental, and global initiatives How can we turn mindfulness into action – personally, politically and socially? Mindfulness has the potential to make a significant impact in our world at a time when we are facing multiple challenges. But for this to be realised, we all need to step up to meet the current issues

Strand 5: Political, environmental, and global initiatives Read More »
