Strand 2: Contemplative, philosophical, and spiritual

Contemplative, philosophical, and spiritual approaches

How do we encounter mindfulness?

For many, practicing mindfulness leads to profoundly meaningful experiences that are hard to put into words and challenging to measure. These experiences remain largely unexplored scientifically. Mindfulness-based approaches have a vital role in supporting mental and physical health and they have the potential to open us to a deeper understanding of wholeness, interconnection, suffering, and meaning. In this strand, we’ll talk about how classical and modern mindfulness practices intertwine, and how we can bring these less concrete ideas into mainstream society. 

Strand 2 includes, but is not limited to:

  • Mindfulness and religion
  • The intersection of science and Buddhism
  • Mindfulness and metaphysics
  • Contemplative research and practice
  • Compassion-based practices
  • Insight-based practices

Strand 2 begins with a Keynote from Catherine McGee. After this you can choose to attend either: a related panel discussion, workshop, research symposium, or guided practice, which will be held across various spaces in Bangor University’s Pontio Centre

ICM:2024 Mindfulness in a changing world

conference sessions centred around five key strands