ICM:2024 Mindfulness in a changing world
The International Conference on Mindfulness (ICM:2024) aims to bring the mindfulness community together in Bangor, UK from 2 to 6 August. It offers bursaries to help those who cannot afford the full fee.
We want to offer £35,000 in bursaries supported by donations and by sponsorship. £350 will support a bursary of 50% for someone to attend the full 5 day event in Bangor.

If you want to support the aims of the conference to bring together leaders, researchers, teachers and practitioners to make the world a better place through the application of mindfulness, your donation, however small, will make a big difference. 

Every penny of your donation will be used to support someone who cannot afford the full price of the conference.

Click to visit our GoFundMe page and find out more, or just click on the donate button to contribute. 
