ICM:2024 mindfulness in a changing world
International Hubs
ICM:2024 mindfulness in a changing world
International Hubs


As part of ICM:2024, we’re excited to introduce International Community Hubs—satellite conferences connecting mindfulness practitioners from around the globe. These hubs offer a unique opportunity for local communities to engage with the conference content and participate in discussions, all while being part of a global mindfulness event.

Join us virtually or in-person at one of these International Community Hubs to explore the conference themes and contribute to the conversation from wherever you are in the world.  We are open to collaborations and hosting the conference in your community. 
Get in touch with us to discuss your ideas!



Available International Community Hubs include: Spain and Spanish speaking countries, South Africa, Israel, China and Lebanon.

  1. Hub attendees should register separately from the main conference by accessing a local hub page.
  2. Find your local hub page from the list below – please note: this will take you to another website.
  3. On that page, you can find all the information you need to register for the hub event, including registration links, schedules, and any additional details specific to your hub.
  4. This process ensures that attendees can easily join the hub event without any confusion, allowing you to fully participate and connect with others in your local mindfulness community.
  5. If you want to register or apply for a bursary for the full main conference instead of a Community Hub, please stay on this website.


Join the International Conference on Mindfulness Spanish Hub. This Community hub – offered through MBCT Spain – will include online only access for the conference to the Spanish speaking world, streamed keynotes live with interpretation, plus some additional material in Spanish.

South Africa HUB

Join the International Conference on Mindfulness South Africa Hub. This Community hub – offered through Institute for Mindfulness South Africa (IMISA) – will include streamed keynotes live and a series of local presentations and workshops based on the five conference strands.

Lebanon hub

Join the International Conference on Mindfulness Lebanon Hub. This Community hub – offered through the Lebanese Association of Mindfulness – will take place later in the year and includes online-only access to the conference for the Arab-speaking world,  plus some additional regional material 


Join the International Conference on Mindfulness Israeli Hub. This Community hub – offered through a collaboration of various Israeli Mindfulness organizations  – will include streamed keynotes and a series of local presentations and workshops based on the five conference strands. Details to be confirmed.

China HUB

Join the International Conference on Mindfulness China Hub “加入中国枢纽”. This Community Hub – offered through 中国生命关怀协会静观专业委员会(Chinese Association for Life Care—Mindfulness Professional Committee)- will include online access for the Chinese-speaking world, a selection of translated sessions from the five conference strands, plus some additional regional material.

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