five reasons to join us in person at ICM:2024, Bangor
As the much-anticipated conference programme begins to unfold, NOW is the time to secure your place, keeping in mind that in-person tickets are limited. While we’re working making much of the conference accessible virtually (online details to be confirmed in Spring 2024) and understand that remote attendance will be the preferred option for many, being physically present at the conference brings the following additional, enriching benefits:

1. Connection with Others: Nurturing Meaningful Bonds
There’s something profound about sharing a physical space with other people. The in-person setting allows for genuine connections to blossom in the moment. The camaraderie, the shared experiences, and the collective energy create an environment that virtual interactions can’t quite replicate.

2. Normalise Experience: You Are Not Alone
Your presence at the conference contributes to a collective normalisation of experiences. By being there, you provide a living testament to the shared challenges and triumphs within the mindfulness community. This reassures others that they are not alone in their journey, fostering a sense of unity and understanding.

3. Clarify Understanding: Strengthen Your Own Insights
Engaging in live discussions and sharing your unique perspectives during the conference provides a chance to solidify your understanding of the topics at hand and deepen your connection with mindfulness. Speaking about your own experience not only benefits others but also helps set them in your own heart and mind.

4. Group Dynamics: Feel the Collective Energy
Being in the company of others can be transformative. The shared physical space amplifies the impact of teachings, discussions, and practices, creating a more immersive and powerful experience. Your presence contributes to the vibrant atmosphere of collaboration.

5. Avoid Procrastination: Seize the Moment
Life gets busy, and it’s easy to postpone watching recorded sessions. Attending in person not only ensures you don’t miss out on valuable content but also provides a dedicated time for learning without the distractions that may arise later. By committing to being there, you make a powerful statement to prioritise your mindfulness journey now, rather than later.
We appreciate there are so many other factors and circumstances that might mean you choose to attend the conference online instead and our Team is working on ways we can include everyone. However, there’s an undeniable magic in choosing to be present at the conference. So, reserve your spot today and join us in Bangor for a deep and immediate experience where connections flourish, and the collective spirit thrives.
“Being at a conference is so much more than hearing and participating in the scheduled sessions. A lot of the energy, inspiration and encouragement that we hope you’ll go home with also comes from the connections you will have with other participants and with the speakers between the sessions. There will be multiple moments when you are standing in the queue for coffee or sitting waiting for a session to begin, and you connect with the person next to you and share learnings about your work in ways that support you both. There will also be processes in place to support participants to connect with people who have shared interests around particular themes.”
Rebecca Crane, Conference Chair